Walker College Foundation • P. O. Box 2228 • Jasper, AL 35502 • 205-310-3189 • info@wcfdn.org
Supporting Students. Changing Lives.
Some of our May graduates walked during Bevill State’s Commencement Ceremony.
Because You Gave, 11 of your scholars completed their time with the WCF Scholars’ Society and Bevill State Community College in May 2024. In addition, one scholar graduated with a Practical Nursing degree, and seven scholars will finish in August 2024 and begin the next chapter in their education plans.
Lizabeth Barnett (Curry HS) attended BSCC on the WCF Education Scholarship. She will transfer to Ole Miss for a degree in Speech/Language Pathology.
Johnny “J.R.” Dunagan (Cordova HS) attended BSCC on the WCF Bob Reed Mining Annual Scholarship. He will transfer to Auburn University for a degree in Business/Accounting and then attend law school.
Reagan Dunagan (Curry HS) attended BSCC on the WCF Clint McLain Agency Scholarship. She will transfer to UNA for a degree in Child Psychology.
Ivie Gibbons (Carbon Hill HS) attended BSCC on the WCF William S. Thornton Scholarship. She will transfer to Athens State for a degree in Elementary Education.
Callie Kennedy (Oakman HS) attended BSCC on the WCF Olivia Dodd Sherer Scholarship. She will transfer to Athens State for a degree in Elementary Education.
Emma Light (Curry HS) attended BSCC on the WCF Harbison/Woods Memorial CHS 1964-1967 Alumni Scholarship. She will transfer to the University of Alabama for a degree in Interior Design.
Eli Morgan (Jasper HS) attended BSCC on the WCF George Wilbanks Annual Scholarship. He will transfer to the University of Alabama for a degree in Computer Science.
Crystal Odom (Carbon Hill HS) attended BSCC on the WCF William S. Thornton Scholarship. She will transfer to UAH for a degree in Aerospace Engineering.
Bryson Prince (Carbon Hill HS) attended BSCC on the WCF William S. Thornton Scholarship. He will transfer to UWA for a degree in Physical Education.
Lilly Shaw (Curry HS) attended BSCC on the WCF Nicholson Family Scholarship. She will transfer to the University of Alabama for a degree in Speech/Language Pathology.
Justin Vo (Jasper HS) attended BSCC on the WCF Matthew & Ashley Laird Annual Scholarship. He will transfer to UAB for a degree in Computer Science.
Abby Connell graduated with a practical nursing degree and will continue in the scholar’s program and nursing classes to earn an Associate Degree in Nursing.
In addition to these outstanding scholar graduates, seven scholars will graduate at the end of August – Karoline Bishop (Curry HS), Callie Harris (Cordova HS), Jenna Johnson (Carbon Hill HS), Lauren Goforth, Matthew “Chance” Martin (Curry HS), Mack Moody (Jasper HS), and Noah Morrison (Jasper HS). More to come in our Fall newsletter!
Thank you for supporting these scholars as they reach their education goals! They are succeeding Because You Care!
During this Thanksgiving season, we are giving thanks for our community partners. Thank you for caring about the students in our community!
The Caring Foundation, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama - Birmingham, AL
-Freshman scholarships to Bevill State
Charles & Estelle Campbell Foundation - Birmingham, AL
-Freshman scholarships to Bevill State
EBSCO Industries, Inc. - Birmingham, AL
-Freshman scholarships to Bevill State & transfer scholarships to college of choice
Drummond Company, Inc. - Birmingham, AL
-Freshman scholarships to college of choice
Pinnacle Bank - Jasper, AL
-Freshman scholarships to Bevill State
Synovus - Columbus, GA & Jasper, AL
-Freshman scholarships to Bevill State
Alabama Power Company - Birmingham, AL
-Freshman scholarships to Bevill State
Globe Life - Liberty National Division, Clint McLain Agencies - Jasper, AL & McKinney, TX
-Freshman scholarships to Bevill State
The Bevill Foundation, Inc. - Jasper, AL
-Freshman scholarships to Bevill State
Holle Family Foundation - Birmingham, AL
-Freshman scholarships to Bevill State & transfer scholarships to college of choice
ERA Byars Realty - Jasper, AL
-Freshman scholarships to Bevill State Community College
Peoples Independent Bank - Scottsboro, AL
-Freshman scholarships to Bevill State